Thursday, 13 December 2012

Key to Stay Fit and Healthy

To stay healthy and fit, people opt for different tactics. Some prefer yoga whereas other prefers aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is much than a therapy to treat various health ailments. It is one of the sought-after ways to rejuvenate mind, body and soul. Essential oils play a key role in aromatherapy. There are different kinds of essential oils available in the market today. Here, you will get to know about Lemon and Lavender oil. Incorporating these two oils, practitioners treat several health ailments.

Lavender is as old as human civilization. It’s a beautiful scented herb that is sued in variety of forms such as insect repellent, deodorant, perfume, aphrodisiac and disinfectant. It’s a soothing scent making it the finest tonic for the nerves. It is widely used for treating emotional stress, anxiety, migraines, depression, headaches and nervous tension.  The invigorating aroma helps in eradication of restlessness and nervous exhaustion and also enhances mental activity.  Use of lavender oil is highly recommended for people suffering from insomnia. 

Even doctors prescribe Lavender oil for treating various respiratory disorders and problems such as tonsillitis, cough, sinus congestion, laryngitis, bronchitis, throat infections, whooping cough, flu, cold and asthma.  You can use this oil in the form of either vapour or by applying on the skin of back, chest and neck.  In addition, it is extensively used in inhalers as well as vaporizers for curing cough and cold.

Like Lavender, Lemon oil has also caught the fancy of practitioners all over the world. There are multiple benefits of Lemon Oil that are attributed to its  antifungal, detoxifying, carminative, stimulating, anti-infection, antiseptic, sleep inducing, astringent, calming and disinfectant properties.  Use of lemon oil can help you get rid of stomach problems, fever, insomnia, infections, overweight, hair disorders, skin disorders, tiredness and asthma.

Of all the citrus fruits, lemon is one of the most sought-after fruits. It is not only a good source of vitamins but it also helps in digestion as well as for culinary purposes. When added to the dish you are preparing, it will give an aroma and taste to food. In addition, it is widely preferred as a refreshing drink all over the world.  Low cost, healthy and tasty, lemon has so many benefits to offer.

There are a few factors that you should consider when shopping for essential oils. Select essential oil that is created through a low-pressure as well as low-pressure steam distillation procedure. You can search for lavender as well as lemon oil by browsing the virtual world of the internet.

An Insight Into Magical Essential Oils

Essential oils play a vital role when it comes to aromatherapy and other natural treatments. Over the last few years, the trend of getting involved into aromatherapy has been gaining popularity all over the world. There are several oils used, however, Geranium and Frankincense Oil has caught the fancy of many people. Of the two, latter can be used for many purposes. If you have ever used Frankincense oil for sore throat, you might be well aware of its magical properties.

Frankincense is known for its warm, balsamic and sweet aroma that is not only invigorating but also elevates your mind. It is extremely useful for enhancing your spiritual connection and visualizing. It is very centric, which means it has properties that help in rendering comfort so that you can focus on your work and easily overcome despair and anxiety. In Middle East, it has been extensively used in religious ceremonies for more than thousands of years, and is considered as the holy calming oil. In the recent years, it has also been used treatment in American as well as European Hospitals. Extensive research is being conducted on it. It is considered as one of the most valuable ingredients when it comes to skin care products. It is used in dry and aging products. When used in face masks, it gives a feeling of rejuvenation.

Contrary to it is Geranium oil that is known for floral and sweet fragrance that rejuvenates and calms your mind, body and soul. It has been used since ages. Egyptians used it for promoting radiant and beautiful skin. There are more than 200 species of Geranium available. The popular “Graveolens” species is popular for producing the highest quality essential oil. As there are various companies who make substitute of this oil and try to market it for remedial use. Therefore, it is important for you to have proper knowledge about the source from where you are purchasing it and make sure that you buy the right stuff.

Geranium essential oil is prepared through the process of steam distillation from the leaves and stem of Geranium plant. The scientific name of Geranium is Pelargonium Odorantissimum. Some of the major components of this oil are Geranyl Butyrate, Mnthone, Myrcene, Citronellol, Limonene, Geranyl Acetate, Geraniol, Alpha Pinene and Linalool. Geranium and Frankincense Oil can be easily purchased from the virtual world of the internet. It is just that you need to know the right properties. 

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Health Benefits of Essential Oils – Ylang Ylang and Neroli Oil

Essential oils are widely used in aromatherapy. In the last few years, there has been an increase in demand of essential oils. People have realised the benefits that they can get with aromatherapy. There are varied types of essential oils used by practitioners all over the world. Neroli and Ylang Ylang oil are two of the most preferred options. Ylang Ylang means “flower of flower”. It has been used exclusively for promoting smooth skin and thick beautiful hair. It is an essential that not only has an amazing fragrant but also has calming effect on an individual’s body and mind. It is also used in cases of impotence as well as frigidity. It also has a stimulating as well as balancing effect on the skin. It also helps in hair growth.

It’s wonderful oil that leaves a sedative and euphoric effect on the nervous system of a person using it. It is also extremely helpful in conditions such as panic, fear, shock, tension and anxiety. Contrary to it are the aphrodisiac qualities that are highly effective for treating frigidity as well as impotence. It is extremely useful with fast heartbeat as well as breathing. It also used for reducing intestinal infections and high blood pressure. When used on skin, it has a soothing effect. It is highly beneficial for overly-oily and overly-dry skin by balancing sebum’s secretion.

As far as Neroli oil is considered, it is the product of the flowers of the Bitter Orange Tress and is precious. These white flowers are white in colour, small and extremely aromatic. This particular essential oil is a blessing for your nervous system and sedative as well. It is preferred for stress related disorders that have originated because of emotional suffering. If you want to enjoy its calming effects than simply inhale its aroma, dilute it with Jojoba oil, diffuse in small amount, rub its few drops on your solar plexus or just wear it as a natural perfume. It is one of the most essential parts of aromatic treatment for ailments such as depression and anxiety consequential to stress.

The anti-spasmodic, anti-parasitic and anti-bacterial properties make it one of the most sought-after options for treating intestinal disorders. You can use it by either massaging it to the abdomen or diluting it while taking bath. If you are suffering from stomach troubles that have resulted due to stress then abdominal massage is the best way to overcome the ailment.

Essential Oils Help You Alleviate Stress

Chamomile, popularly known as Camomile, has been a blessing for many. It is known for its various health benefits and uses. You can use it for a variety of health products including beauty products and tea. Most probably, it is widely used for tea. It is an herbal product and has been used in tea since ages. In addition, it also offers great relief in different kinds of health ailments. Incorporation of Chamomile oil can help you deal with a world of health problems. As the effect of this oil is very strong, it is just a few drops that can do wonders for your health.

Some of the elementary therapeutic properties of this oil are antiphlogistic, hepatic, vermifuge, anti-spasmodic, analgesic, digestive, vulnerary, antiphlogistic, carminative, anti-allergenic, emmenagogue, vasoconstrictor, bactericidal, cholagogue,  and cicatrisant, to name a few.

There are various other problems that can be cured using this oil. Some of these health ailments are nervousness, anxiety and irrationality amongst others. In addition, it can also be used in the treatment of headaches, stress as well as nervous tensions. It is widely known that incorporation of Chamomile roots can help in solving teeth related problems. One of the best characteristics of this oil is that it is non-toxic. Hence, you can also use it for kids massage. It is also considered beneficial for pregnant women as child as it calms the both child and mothers.

It is used in the manufacturing of various cosmetic products all over the world. It has properties that help in treatment of skin problems. If you are worried of sun burns then apply this oil. It is used for treating wounds, cuts, eczema, acne and open sores. Most of the hair products are made using this oil because it not only lightens hair but also strengthen them and help in bringing back lost shine.  It is also taken in the form of tea for curing colitis, intestinal ulcers and gastritis.

Citronella oil is known for reliving and soothing feeling when it is used in the form of aromatherapy. It is a blessing as far as mental and physical health is considered. It is used for massaging when blended with other types of oils. This blend when used for massaging helps in alleviating fatigue and tiredness from the body. It is also very effective when it comes to dealing with health problems such digestion and rheumatic pain.

Aromatherapy Redefined with Essential Oils

Being conscious about health is very important because it is the key to live a healthy and perfect life. In the last few years, there has been immense curiosity amongst people over Aromatherapy. This is something that you can easily believe as when you Google aromatherapy, you can find various search results. There are various essential oils available in the market today. Black Pepper Oil is one of the most famous as well as integral oil when it comes to aromatherapy.  It is widely used by people all over the world for different purposes.

Black pepper oil is used for treating several physical health ailments instead of being used as fragrance and not for enhancing the decor of your home. It is great for curing diseases related to sinus or lung congestion and circulation problems. However, one of the most common reasons for which it is used is massage therapy. This particular oil can do wonders when amalgamated with variety of other oils. Some oils types that can be used in conjunction with black pepper oil are basil, eucalyptus and lavender.

There are various great properties associated with Black pepper oil. It is a laxative, antimicrobial, stimulant for the digestive, circulatory and nervous systems, stimulates metabolism, analgesic, is diuretic and antifungal. It is used for the treatment of muscle or nerve pain, digestive problems, fungal infections and arthritis.

You can dilute one part of Black pepper with on part of vegetable oil. Not apply this mixture on the flex/vita/chakras points. You can also inhale it, consume it as dietary supplement or diffuse it. Black pepper perfectly mixes with florals, lavender, marjoram, spice, sandalwood, frankincense and rosemary. If you are worried about your safety then relax as black pepper is neither sensitizing nor toxic. However, it might be an irritant because it can redden your skin.

Another type of oil that has been catching the fancy of people is Cedarwood Oil. It is one of the most famous alternate medications used widely all over the world. Some of the most common benefits of Cedrawood oil are that it offers calming and soothing state to individuals who use it. The pure and light aroma that it comprises of is perfect to relieve stress and get rid of tension.  This is one of the prime reasons that this oil is often associated with harmony and aroma therapies. With so many great properties and benefits, this oil can pave way for healthy journey.